Glenfield Middle School, Montclair NJ
May 3-4 2019
As I developed, I found I could play a lot of notes against a common chord that some people would call wrong. To my hearing it’s right. You can play any note you like. Its based on freedom of sound.
Eric Dolphy
In 2014, Seed Artists produced Eric Dolphy: Freedom of Sound. A celebration of the maverick musician on the 50th anniversary of his passing. More than 40 artists over two nights, from Richard Davis, Andrew Cyrille and Howard Johnson to Vernon Reid, Angelica Sanchez, Don Byron. Among the highlights: James Newton conducted the debut of unheard Dolphy compositions, now housed in the Library of Congress. Gunther Schuller spoke in a symposium. Henry Threadgill and Diane Moser debuted works dedicated to Dolphy.
On May 3-4, Freedom of Sound returns, as an annual event at a new home, Glenfield Middle School. Montclair’s arts-magnet middle school. The theme: percussion. Adventurous music from some of the world’s most compelling jazz, international and experimental musicians. We induct the world’s first Jazz Laureate, Andrew Cyrille. The theater becomes a musical instrument using conductive paint. A concert in the school planetarium. We build The Worlds Largest Recyclable Drumkit.