Support Us

Support Seed Artists through monetary donations, sponsorships, or volunteering your time! Every dollar and minute of your time makes a difference.
Donate Today
Become a co-producer to adventurous arts programming in Metro NYC. No matter the amount, your tax-deductible contribution makes the difference between paying artists fairly or not producing an event at all. All donations go directly to performer fees and production costs. No waste. We thank you in advance, and with deep appreciation, for your donation. Just click:
Institutional sponsorships are no less important. Whether the contribution is financial, in-kind, or a venue partnership, we welcome all inquiries and proposals. From The New School, William Paterson University, and the National Jazz Museum in Harlem, to the Robert D. Bielicki Foundation, RetailMeNot, and the Doris Duke Foundation’s MAP Fund, we have been fortunate to partner with many wonderful institutions over the years. Please email us at
Volunteers make the world go ‘round. From distributing flyers and working the door to logistics and building spreadsheets, we rely on volunteers to make the machine go. It is how we punch above our weight. If you would like to be a Seed Artists Volunteer, just fill out the linked form below and let us know how you would like to help!
Thank You
Big thanks to the many institutions and individuals who have provided substantial support to Seed Artists.
Institutional Sponsors
The Philip & Janice Levin Foundation
RetailMeNot, Inc.
Robert D. Bielicki Foundation
Essex County Division of Cultural and Historic Affairs
Investors Bank
Investors Foundation
John J. and Rose Cali Foundation
Doris Duke Foundation MAP Fund
National Jazz Museum in Harlem
Montclair Public Library & Foundation
Montclair Public Schools
William Paterson University-Jazz Studies Program
Newport Festivals Foundation, Inc. (George Wein)
Montclair Fund for Educational Excellence
School of Jazz and Contemporary Music at The New School College of Performing Arts
Business Donors
Carlo’s Bakery the Cake Boss
Jazz House Kids
School of Rock
Pearl Drums
Pico Design
Glen Ridge Taekwon-do
Montclair Aesthetic & Family Dentistry
Panzano Pizzeria
Jacklyn Kling Gallery
Manny’s Diner
Brookdale Pet Center
Family Donors
Alan Saul
Jim Wiggins & Christine Fleming
Madeleine Kamber & Rudy Amstutz
Cindy Bodge
Winnie Maddox
Zelda and David Greenstein